At Gentle Touch Family Dentistry, we believe that every smile is a reflection of an individual’s unique journey. While gapped teeth can add character, they also raise concerns for many, from aesthetics to health implications. 

What Are the Causes of Gapped Teeth?

Gapped teeth, medically referred to as diastema, can result from various factors:

  • Growth and Development: The size of your teeth and the jawbone can sometimes result in a mismatch, causing spaces.
  • Habits: Practices like thumb sucking or the use of a pacifier beyond toddler age can lead to this condition.
  • Gum Disease: Inflammation and subsequent damage can cause teeth to loosen and create gaps.
  • Mismatched Teeth and Jaw Size: If the teeth are smaller than the jawbone, spaces can naturally occur.

Types of Gapped Teeth

Gapped teeth, also known as diastema, are a common dental condition that can affect anyone regardless of age or gender. Diastema refers to a space or gap between two teeth, and can occur in any part of the mouth. Diastema, or gaps between teeth, can manifest in various forms depending on where they occur and how severe they are. The specific type of diastema can vary based on these factors.

Midline Diastema 

One type of diastema is midline diastema, which is a gap that occurs between the two front teeth. This type of gap is often genetic and can occur naturally as a child’s teeth come in. However, midline diastema can also be caused by certain habits such as thumb sucking or tongue thrusting, which can push the teeth forward and create a gap.

Lateral Diastema

Another type of diastema is lateral diastema, which is a gap that occurs between the teeth on either side of the front teeth. Unlike midline diastema, lateral diastema is often caused by an imbalance between the size of the teeth and the size of the jaw. For example, if a person has small teeth and a large jaw, there may be gaps between the teeth.

There are also different degrees of diastema, ranging from mild to severe. Mild diastema may only be noticeable upon close inspection, while severe diastema can cause significant spacing between the teeth, resulting in difficulty eating and speaking.

Treatment options for diastema vary depending on the severity of the gap and the underlying cause. For mild diastema, cosmetic dental procedures such as veneers or bonding may be recommended to close the gap. For more severe diastema, orthodontic treatments such as braces or clear aligners may be necessary to move the teeth into the correct position.

Orthodontic Treatment Options
Addressing gapped teeth involves various strategies tailored to the patient’s individual needs:

  1. Traditional Braces: A classic and effective method using brackets and wires to pull the teeth together.
  2. Invisalign and Clear Aligners: Transparent aligners that are custom-fitted and discreet. They gradually move the teeth into desired positions.
  3. Dental Bands: Tiny rubber bands worn overnight that pull the teeth closer.
  4. Surgery:In certain instances, particularly when the gap is significant or caused by an oversized labial frenum (the tissue that connects the upper lip to the gums), surgical intervention may be necessary.

Cosmetic Dentistry for Gapped Teeth

Cosmetic dentistry offers various solutions for addressing gapped teeth, helping individuals achieve a more aesthetically pleasing and confident smile. Here are some common cosmetic dentistry options for gapped teeth:

  • Dental Bonding

This procedure is where a tooth-colored resin is applied to fill in gaps or spaces. This resin is then hardened and polished, creating a natural-looking result. Bonding is a relatively quick and cost-effective option for small to moderate gaps. 

  • Porcelain Veneers

This cosmetic dental treatment involves placing thin, custom-made shells on the front surfaces of teeth, aiming to enhance your teeth’s overall appearance by giving them a more attractive and natural-looking appearance. They can be used to close gaps, correct minor misalignments, and enhance the overall aesthetics of the smile.

  • Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic options like braces or clear aligners can effectively close gaps between teeth by gently shifting them into their ideal positions. This treatment is particularly suitable for individuals with larger gaps or underlying alignment issues.

  • Implants

If a gap is due to a missing tooth, an implant can be surgically placed in the gap, followed by the attachment of a realistic-looking crown. This not only fills the space but also restores full function.

  • Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can be used to close gaps by placing a crown on each of the adjacent teeth. This can be an effective solution when the gap is due to a small or misshapen tooth.

  • Invisalign or Clear Aligners

Invisalign and similar clear aligner systems offer a discreet and comfortable way to close gaps between teeth using a series of clear, removable aligners. They are particularly popular among adults seeking a less noticeable orthodontic treatment.

  • Enamel Contouring

Enamel contouring involves the subtle reshaping of teeth to reduce small gaps or irregularities. It is a minimally invasive option suitable for minor cosmetic adjustments.

  • Full Smile Makeover

For individuals with multiple cosmetic concerns, a full smile makeover combines various cosmetic dentistry procedures to achieve a comprehensive transformation. This can include addressing gapped teeth alongside other aesthetic issues.

The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the gap, overall oral health, and individual preferences. A consultation with a cosmetic dentist is essential to assess the specific needs and goals of the patient and to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for achieving a beautiful, gap-free smile.

Health Implications of Gapped Teeth

Having gapped teeth, also known as diastema, is a common dental issue that affects both adults and children. It is characterized by a noticeable space or gap between two or more of the front teeth. While some people embrace their gapped teeth as a unique feature, others may find it unattractive and seek treatment to close the gap.

Aside from aesthetic concerns, gapped teeth can also have implications on oral health. The following are some potential health issues that may arise from having a diastema:

  • Difficulty cleaning: Gaps between the teeth can trap food particles and bacteria, making it challenging to properly clean the affected area. This increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Misalignment: When there is a gap between teeth, it can affect the alignment of the surrounding teeth. This can lead to crooked or crowded teeth, which may require orthodontic treatment.
  • Speech difficulties: In some cases, gapped teeth can interfere with speech and pronunciation. This is because proper tongue placement for certain sounds may be affected by the gap.
  • Increased risk of injury: Gaps between teeth can also make them more susceptible to injury. Incidents such as biting down on a hard object or getting hit in the mouth can result in chipped or broken teeth.

It is important to note that not everyone with gapped teeth will experience these health implications.

Preventing Gapped Teeth

Preventing gapped teeth, also known as diastema, may not always be possible, especially when it is primarily due to genetic factors. However, there are some tips and practices that can help reduce the risk of developing gaps between teeth:

  • Schedule regular dental check-ups with a dentist to monitor oral health and identify early signs of gaps or misalignment.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene, including brushing teeth at least twice daily and flossing daily.
  • Consult with an orthodontist for an evaluation if gaps are forming or alignment is concerning.
  • Follow orthodontic recommendations if treatment is necessary.
  • Discourage thumb-sucking and pacifiers beyond an appropriate age in children.
  • Limit consumption of sugary and acidic foods and beverages.
  • Wear a mouthguard to protect teeth during contact sports or activities.
  • Quit smoking to improve overall oral health.
  • Schedule professional dental cleanings at least twice a year.
  • Follow good gum care practices, including gentle massage.
  • Be aware of the family’s dental history, as this can influence risk of developing gaps in teeth.
  • Wear retainers as prescribed by orthodontists to maintain alignment of teeth after orthodontic treatment.

Remember that while these tips can reduce the risk of gapped teeth, individual factors such as genetics and dental development play a significant role. If you have concerns about gaps in your teeth or your child’s teeth, consult with a dentist or orthodontist for personalized guidance and treatment options.


  • Can gapped teeth be hereditary? Yes, genetics can play a role in the spacing and size of your teeth.
  • At what age can I consider orthodontic treatment for gapped teeth? Orthodontic treatments can begin as early as age seven, but it’s never too late. Many adults also undergo treatments.
  • Are there non-surgical options to close gaps between teeth? Absolutely. Braces, Invisalign, clear aligners, and dental bands are all non-surgical options.
  • Are there any home remedies to close small gaps between teeth? While dental bands can be used at home, it’s essential to consult with a dentist before attempting any home remedy.
  • Can gapped teeth be a sign of an underlying dental problem? Sometimes. Gaps can be an indication of gum disease, an oversized labial frenum, or other dental issues.

Every smile has its charm, and every gap narrates a story. At Gentle Touch Family Dentistry, our mission is not just to perfect your smile, but to ensure it resonates with health, confidence, and happiness. If gapped teeth are a concern, allow us to be your trusted guides on the journey to a healthier, gap-free smile.

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