As your dedicated team at Gentle Touch Family Dentistry, we commit ourselves to the excellence of your treatment and the quality of your recovery. Following any dental procedure, adhering to specific post-operative care is essential for healing and avoiding problems. Please find below our detailed instructions, which cater to various treatments offered at our practice.

Full Dentures:

Adjusting to full dentures requires patience and care. You may experience increased saliva, minor discomfort, and initial difficulty with eating and speaking. These reactions are natural and will diminish as you adjust. Remove your dentures nightly to allow your gums to rest, and clean them according to the instructions.

Partial Dentures:

Like full dentures, partials may feel unfamiliar at first. It is essential to wear them as directed and handle them carefully, ensuring you do not bend or damage them. Cleaning should be done meticulously, following the regimen outlined by your dentist.

Dental Implants:

After the placement of dental implants, some swelling, bruising, and discomfort are to be expected. Ice packs can minimize swelling, and pain medication should be taken as prescribed. Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial, but be gentle around the implant site and adhere to a soft diet to prevent undue pressure on the new implants.

All-on-4 Dental Implants:

The All-on-4 dental implant procedure is more complex and may require extended healing. Following a soft diet, avoiding disturbing surgical sites, and keeping all follow-up appointments are important. Swelling is typical and can be managed with ice packs and medications as prescribed.

Dental Veneers:

Post-operative sensitivity after veneer placement is normal. You may also notice some changes in speech, but this will quickly adapt. Chew cautiously, and avoid biting into hard foods with your veneers to prevent chipping.

Dental Crowns and Bridges:

After receiving a crown or bridge, refrain from eating until the anesthesia completely disappears. If you feel any imbalance in your bite or have persistent discomfort, contact us for an evaluation. Care for your crowns and bridges as you would your natural teeth with diligent hygiene practices.

Tooth Extractions:

Following an extraction, it is critical to allow the formation of a blood clot at the extraction site. Avoid smoking, sucking through straws, or vigorous rinsing to prevent dislodging the clot. Use gauze to control bleeding and apply ice if swelling occurs.

Root Canals:

Some tenderness is normal after a root canal due to the cleaning process. Pain can typically be managed with over-the-counter analgesics. Avoid biting the treated tooth until it heals has been fully restored to prevent fracture.

Full Mouth Reconstructions:

Patients undergoing full mouth reconstructions must follow a comprehensive care plan that includes managing discomfort, maintaining oral hygiene, and possibly adhering to a modified diet. Swelling can be addressed with ice, and avoiding any hard or sticky foods that could damage the new restorations is important.

Dental Fillings and Bonding:

Sensitivity to hot and cold after fillings and bonding procedures is common but should subside within a few weeks. This may require a simple adjustment if you notice persistent sensitivity or pain, especially when biting down. Contact our office if symptoms continue.

Dental Nightguards:

For patients fitted with nightguards, proper use is essential. Wear your nightguard as directed, typically during sleep, clean it periodically to maintain its condition and prevent oral hygiene issues.

Dental Onlays/Inlays:

After receiving an onlay or inlay, you may experience mild sensitivity. Refrain from chewing hard foods on the treated side for at least 24 hours if a temporary bond is used. If a permanent bond was used, the restoration should be set immediately.

Gum Contouring:

Tenderness after gum contouring is normal. Use a saline rinse to alleviate discomfort and maintain cleanliness. Avoid aggressive brushing and flossing until it has healed adequately in the treated area.

Dental Crown Lengthening:

This surgical procedure may result in tenderness and swelling, best managed by following the specific post-surgical care instructions. This will include guidelines on eating, oral hygiene, and any necessary medications.

Full Arch Dental Implants:

For those who have received full arch dental implants, the aftercare will mirror that of individual dental implants. However, due to the greater scope of the procedure, follow-up care is even more crucial. Attend all scheduled appointments and follow all instructions regarding oral hygiene and diet.

In all cases, it is essential to continue good oral hygiene practices but be gentle around the treated areas. This includes brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing carefully, and using any mouth rinses as directed. Avoid smoking since it delays healing and increase the risk of infection.

Should you experience severe pain, significant bleeding, or any signs of infection such as fever, abnormal discharge, or excessive swelling, please get in touch with Gentle Touch Family Dentistry promptly. Our goal is to ensure your comfort and the success of your treatment, so please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have during your recovery.

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