Endosteal Dental Implants at Gentle Touch Family Dentistry

Endosteal dental implants are utilized the most frequently. These implants are meant to take the place of one or more missing teeth by serving as artificial tooth roots. They are inserted directly into the jawbone via surgical procedure providing a stable and long-lasting foundation for dental restorations, including crowns, bridges, and dentures. 

A healthy and complete smile is a source of confidence and overall well-being. However, tooth loss can be a significant challenge, affecting not only the aesthetics of not only your grin, but also your chewing and speaking abilities comfortably. 

At Gentle Touch Family Dentistry, we understand the importance of effective and reliable solutions for tooth replacement. We offer endosteal dental implants, a cutting-edge and highly successful option for restoring missing teeth.

Why Get an Endosteal Dental Implant

Are you in need of a dental implant but unsure which one is right for you? Endosteal dental implants can be an excellent option as they are securely anchored to the jawbone and provide stable, long-term support for a bridge or prosthetic tooth. They create little disruption to remaining healthy teeth and require minimal care.

  • Natural Look and Feel: Endosteal dental implants are meticulously crafted to closely resemble the color, shape, and size of your own teeth, resulting in a restoration that is virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth. You won’t even notice the difference!
  • You Chew Better: Say goodbye to any discomfort while eating. Endosteal dental implants provide you with the ability to comfortably and efficiently chew your food, ensuring that you can maintain a balanced and nutritious diet without any limitations.
  • Jawbone Preservation: Did you know that dental implants actually help stimulate bone growth in the jaw? This means that they play a vital role in preventing the bone loss that typically occurs after tooth loss. Keeping your jawbone healthy not only helps maintain the natural structure of your face, but it also contributes to overall oral health.
  • You Speak Better: Missing teeth can have a noticeable impact on your speech and pronunciation. Fortunately, endosteal dental implants serve as a stable foundation for restorations, allowing you to speak clearly and confidently without any hindrances.
  • Longevity: When it comes to durability, endosteal dental implants are truly in a league of their own. These implants are built to last, ensuring that you can enjoy the benefits of a long-term solution. Plus, taking proper care of them will help extend their lifespan even further, making it a cost-effective option in the long run.

Endosteal Dental Implant Procedure

The journey to a restored smile with endosteal dental implants typically involves several key steps:

  • Initial Consultation
  •   Comprehensive consultation at Gentle Touch Family Dentistry
  •   Assessment of oral health and necessary X-rays
  •   Discussion of goals and options for endosteal dental implants
  • Treatment Planning
  •   Personalized treatment plan based on specific needs and preferences
  •   Outline of number of implants required, type of dental restoration, and procedure timeline
  • Implant Placement
  •   Minimally invasive surgical insertion of implant posts into jawbone
  •   Ensured comfort with local anesthetic
  •   Implant posts serve as stable foundation for dental restoration
  • Healing Period
  •   Necessary period for implants to integrate with surrounding bone tissue (osseointegration)
  •   Usually takes a few months
  • Abutment and Restoration
  •   Attachment of abutments to implant posts after osseointegration
  •   Abutments act as connectors between implants and final restoration
  •   Custom restoration (crown, bridge, denture) securely affixed to abutments
  • Follow-Up and Maintenance
  •   Regular follow-up appointments at Gentle Touch Family Dentistry
  •   Ensure health and function of endosteal dental implants
  •   Guidance on proper oral hygiene for long-lasting restoration

At Gentle Touch Family Dentistry, we are committed to helping you regain your smile’s beauty and function through endosteal dental implants. Our experienced and compassionate dental team is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care throughout your implant journey. 

If you are missing one or more teeth and are considering endosteal dental implants as a solution, arrange a consultation today. With endosteal dental implants, let us guide you toward a renewed smile and improved oral health.