Dental Implants

Single, Multiple, & Full Mouth Dental Implants

Dental Implants2023-11-30T00:31:09-05:00

Dental Implants Tooele UT

Dental implant surgery provides an attractive solution for those with missing or damaged teeth, offering artificial replacements that look and feel like the real thing. Unlike dentures or bridgework, dental implants fuse directly to your jawbone, which delivers a secure fit that won’t slip out of place – making them ideal even when natural tooth roots are absent.

Got a tooth that’s missing or damaged? Implants are the way to go! We can replace your lost smile with metal brackets and give you an upgrade, so there is no need to worry about inadequate dentures or bridges. Our dental implants make sure even without natural roots, we’ll have you grinning in no time!

How are Dental Implants Performed?

A surgical procedure for a dental implant is done depending on the type of implant and the condition of the patient’s mouth. Generally, the procedure requires making an incision into the gums to expose the jawbone. A hole is then drilled into the bone at a specific depth, which will serve as a foundation for the implant post. The post is placed in this hole, and a healing cap is attached to it. This entire process is done under local anesthetic and may last for about 1-2 hours.

After the post has been inserted, the gum tissue is sutured together and left to heal over several weeks before a permanent restoration, such as a crown or bridge, can be added. The implant will take several months to integrate with the bone fully. During this time, you should eat soft foods only and practice careful oral hygiene. Once the implant has fully healed, a final restoration will be placed to complete the dental implant procedure.

The success rates for dental implants are typically very high, and many patients can expect their implants to last a lifetime if they are cared for properly. However, there are some cases where the implant fails to integrate with the jawbone or becomes infected, so it is important to discuss all possible risks and benefits with your dentist before beginning treatment.

Still Trying To Decide?

Why are Dental Implants Done?

Dental implants are an excellent solution for those missing one or more teeth. They provide a secure, stable, and aesthetically pleasing replacement for natural teeth that can last a lifetime with proper care.

Missing teeth no longer have to mean saying goodbye to your smile; dental implants offer a permanent and long-lasting solution! Through this advanced surgical procedure, titanium is placed in the jawbone where it fuses with the bone tissue. This creates incredibly secure roots for replacement teeth that won’t wobble or cause discomfort like when you wear dentures can – plus they can never decay, so you don’t need worry about damage down the line. A dental crown is then attached to the post, enabling it to act as artificial teeth.

Dental implant placement can provide a variety of benefits beyond just looking and feeling like your own teeth. They can help preserve facial structure, preventing bone deterioration that occurs when teeth are missing. Additionally, dental implants improve speaking abilities and chewing functions that may have been impaired as a result of missing teeth. Finally, dental implants can help to restore your smile and boost confidence.

Overall, dental implants are an effective and long-term solution for those suffering from tooth loss. With proper care, they can provide a lifetime of functional benefits that help maintain oral health and overall well-being.

Single Dental Implants

Single dental implants are an excellent alternative to tooth replacement methods such as dentures and bridges. Implants offer a more permanent solution for missing teeth, providing greater stability than traditional removable options. 

Multi-tooth Dental Implants

Multi-tooth dental implants are a common and effective type of dental implant treatment. These implants are designed for patients who need to replace several teeth in their mouth at once, as opposed to traditional single tooth implants. 

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Full Mouth Dental Implants are a new, ground-breaking alternative for replacing missing teeth. Unlike traditional dental implants, full mouth dental implants are designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth or even all the teeth in one’s mouth.

Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants are a modern form of denture stabilization that offer convenience and comfort to individuals who previously relied on traditional dentures. These small-sized titanium screws are surgically implanted into the jawbone, providing stability for your dentures as well as allowing for a more natural movement of the mouth while eating or speaking

All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-On-4 dental implants offer a permanent solution to replace missing or failing teeth. The procedure involves the placement of four titanium posts into the jawbone, providing secure and durable support for crowns, bridges, or dentures. It is often an ideal option for those who need a full arch replacement due to severe bone loss in their jaw line. 

Same-Day Dental Implants

If you need to replace a missing tooth, same-day dental implants are a great option. This revolutionary procedure allows patients to receive an implant in just one visit – without the hassle of waiting for days or even weeks for results.  Same-day dental implants are an affordable option for tooth replacement.

What Can You Expect From A Dental Implant Procedure?

Dental implants require surgically placing a small titanium post into the jawbone, which acts as an artificial tooth root. The implant is then topped with a custom-made abutment and crown to create a beautiful and strong replacement tooth.

After an initial consultation with your dentist to discuss your treatment options, they will typically take X-rays of the affected area to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. If approved, they will prepare the site for surgery by cleaning it and making sure there is adequate bone structure in the area. A local anesthetic may be used before the implant is inserted into position and the gum tissue stitched up afterward.

Once fully healed, your dentist will perform an implant abutment and crown attached to the implant. This is a permanent solution that should look, feel and function just like a real tooth. With proper care, dental implants can last for decades and help restore the strength of your bite while providing you with a beautiful smile.

Your dentist who practice in implant dentistry will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your dental implants after surgery, including advice on diet and brushing habits. You may need additional visits throughout treatment in order to adjust or repair the implant if necessary. Regular check-ups are an important part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums, so make sure you attend these appointments as recommended by your dentist.

The Best Dental Services In The Tooele Area

Contact us to schedule an appointment or visit our website and start not only your family and but your children’s and family’s journey to a brighter smile in Tooele, Utah!

We are proud to provide high-quality dental care to patients with a full smile and gentle touch. Our very friendly staff and experienced team of dentists and hygienists offer complete preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dental services in one convenient location to treat patients in Tooele and the surrounding communities.

Dental Implants – The Best Treatment For Tooth Loss

A medical review and dental research by Dr. Evan Frisbee on 30 September 2021 – Despite improvement in dental care, thousands of Americans are suffering tooth loss, periodontist disease, or injury. For years the only treatment option for people lacking teeth was a bridge or removable denture. Thankfully, implants can now be made.

Endosteal Dental Implants

Endosteal dental implants are a revolutionary treatment for people who have lost or damaged teeth due to injury, infection, or decay. They provide a secure and permanent solution to replace missing teeth while restoring the full function of your mouth. 

Subperiosteal implants

Subperiosteal implants are a type of dental implant that is placed beneath the gum tissue but on or above the jawbone. This implant is ideal for individuals who don’t have enough bone density or strength in their jawbone to support traditional dental implants, and may be used to replace one or more missing teeth. 

Benefits Of Dental Implants

  • Improved Appearance: Dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth, which can give you back your smile with confidence. Unlike other tooth replacement options, such as removable dentures and bridges, implants will not slip or move around in your mouth. This gives you the ability to eat and talk without worries.
  • Improved Oral Health: Dental implants do not require altering the adjacent teeth, as is necessary with bridges. Because individual implants are placed in the jawbone, they help to preserve your natural teeth and gum tissue. In addition, good dental hygiene is easier to maintain with dental implants since they do not have any nooks and crannies for plaque to build up.
  • Increased Comfort: According to dental research, dental implant surgery eliminates the discomfort of removable dentures. They also tend to be more comfortable than traditional fixed bridges since there is no need to grind down healthy adjacent teeth to support the bridge. We could help you get fitted with the right dental implants before your dental implant surgery!
  • Improved Speech: Your new tooth from dental implants function like natural teeth, so you can speak clearly and confidently without worrying that your teeth will slip out of place. Many people suffer from speech impediments just because of a missing tooth. Dental implants might be the key!
  • Increased Self-Esteem & Quality of Life: Implants can give you back your smile and improve your appearance, which can do wonders for your self-esteem and quality of life, especially if having a missing tooth is messing with your confidence. In addition, dental implants allow you to enjoy all your favorite foods and participate in social activities without worry or embarrassment.

Are There Risks Involved In Dental Implants?

Yes, there are some risks involved in dental implants. While the success rate of dental implant surgeries is very high — up to 98% — complications can still occur and may include:

  • Infection at the implant site
  • Damage or death of surrounding tissue
  • Nerve damage that causes pain, numbness, or tingling in the natural teeth, gums or lips
  • Sinus problems when implants placed in the upper jaw protrude into one of the sinus cavities
  • Inadequate bone structure to secure the implant
  • Poor positioning of dental implants that interferes with other teeth or oral structures

Patients can reduce the risk of complications by choosing a qualified and experienced implant dentist and following their instructions carefully before and after the procedure. People with certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune diseases, are more likely to experience implant failure. If you have any questions about whether dental implants are right for you, talk to your dentist. They can help determine if the benefits outweigh the risks in your specific case.

Good oral hygiene habits will also go a long way in ensuring successful results from dental implants. Be sure to brush and floss around your dental implants daily and visit your dentist regularly for checkups. Taking these precautions will help keep your implant healthy and functioning correctly for many years.

How Do You Prepare For Dental Implants?

If you are interested in getting dental implants, there are certain steps that you must take to ensure that the procedure is successful.

First, your dentist will examine your mouth and teeth to make sure they are healthy enough for the surgery. They may also take X-rays or impressions of your teeth and jawbone structure to plan out your implant placement.

Your dentist will then discuss with you what type of anesthesia will be used during the procedure and any other medications that may be necessary. It is important to follow their instructions carefully so as not to put your health at risk.

Before the actual implant surgery, you may need to undergo a bone augmentation procedure if the density of your jawbone is insufficient for implant placement. This will involve placing additional material into the jawbone to increase its volume and density.

Your dentist may also advise you on a few lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol consumption and maintaining an adequate calcium intake in your diet. These can all help improve the success of your dental implant surgery.

Finally, once everything is ready for the implant surgery, make sure that you follow any pre-operative instructions given to you by your dentist or surgeon closely. This includes abstaining from food and drink before the operation and taking any prescribed medications if necessary.

By following these steps, you can help ensure dental implants are as successful as possible for your oral health needs!

What Can You Expect From A Dental Implant Procedure?

Dental implants require surgically placing a small titanium post into the jawbone, which acts as an artificial tooth root. The implant is then topped with a custom-made abutment and crown to create a beautiful and strong replacement tooth.

After an initial consultation with your dentist to discuss your treatment options, they will typically take X-rays of the affected area to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. If approved, they will prepare the site for surgery by cleaning it and making sure there is adequate bone structure in the area. A local anesthetic may be used before the implant is inserted into position and the gum tissue stitched up afterward.

Once fully healed, your dentist will perform an implant abutment and crown attached to the implant. This is a permanent solution that should look, feel and function just like a real tooth. With proper care, dental implants can last for decades and help restore the strength of your bite while providing you with a beautiful smile.

Your dentist who practice in implant dentistry will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your dental implants after surgery, including advice on diet and brushing habits. You may need additional visits throughout treatment in order to adjust or repair the implant if necessary. Regular check-ups are an important part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums, so make sure you attend these appointments as recommended by your dentist.

How Effective Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants can achieve 99% success if placed on the jaw. Implant implants are durable for the life of patients if taken correctly.

Suppose you are considering dental implants or any implant dentistry procedure or procedure. In that case, it is essential to consult with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon for a long-term solution to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure and to prevent infection.

According to the American Dental Association, patients with implants often report increased comfort after eating, improved speech, and better self-esteem about their smiles. Moreover, dental implants are capable of eliminating the need for dental appliances such as dentures, bridges, or crowns.

Does insurance cover dental implants?

Dental implant coverage is currently not covered by dental insurance. Coverage for your dental insurance may be available based on your plan and/or your dental health. Details regarding your needs should have your doctor and insurer contact them for an evaluation.

How long do implants last in teeth?

What is the life expectancy for implants? This can last up to three years by providing regular dental checkups every 6 months. The crown typically lasted between ten or 15 years and was likely not worn out due to wear or tear.

What are the 3 types of dental implants?

There are three commonly used dental implant designs: endostomy, subperiosteam, and zygomatic. The safest is ophthalmic endosteal, which follows the subperiosteal followed by zygomatic. They’re rare.

How long does dental implant surgery take?

The length of dental implant surgery varies depending on the complexity of your particular case. Generally speaking, a single-tooth implant takes about two hours to complete. For multiple teeth implants, the procedure can take 4-6 hours or even longer.

You may sometimes need additional treatments such as bone grafting or sinus lifts before the implant surgery itself. These treatments will add additional time to your surgery timeline and bone healing and bone growth may take some time.

Your dentist or oral surgeon here at Gentle Touch Family Dentistry will be able to provide you with the most accurate timeline for your particular case. Following a comprehensive dental examination, they can give you an estimate of how long it will take to complete the procedure and associated treatments. In some cases, the entire treatment, including implant placement, healing time, and crown attachment can take up to 6 months.

Are Dental Implants The Right Choice For You?

Many people are familiar with the common benefits of most dental implants, such as improved appearance and oral health. However, many other advantages make this treatment option well worth considering especially when dealing with multiple teeth. Implants are quickly becoming the preferred choice for replacing missing teeth.

Still Trying To Decide How To Deal With Missing Teeth?

At Gentle Touch Family Dentistry, we provide Straumann® dental implants with a lifetime guarantee. We also have dental crowns, implant abutments to place dental implants, dental implant placement, removable dentures, maxillofacial implants, any additional surgery to fix or replace a missing tooth, instructions on how to avoid poor oral hygiene and more.

Other Procedures Related to Dental Implants

In addition to the dental implant procedure, there are other common procedures associated with dental implants. Bone Grafting is a surgical procedure that can be performed when the jawbone is too soft or too thin for the implant to be placed successfully. Bone grafting involves taking bone from another part of the body (or a donor) and placing it in the areas where the implant needs to be placed, giving it a more stable foundation. 


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